A vessel is a production unit at sea

A vessel
is a production unit at sea
An asset that the management must operate remotely. Traditionally, all the responsibility lies with the officers to properly report status, familiarize crew, and maintain the vessel in optimal condition.
We believe that the possession of a photorealistic twin can substantially improve visibility and equip the office with the images of the ship to troubleshoot, operate and familiarize the crew.
Key Benefits
Using the photorealistic twin for dynamic troubleshooting.
Familiarize your crew with the ability to provide information on specific locations.
Unlimited high-resolution screenshots of your model.
Monitor vessels condition using the model as a reference point.
Use a VR headset and literally walk in your vessel.

You Get
A Photorealistic twin of your vessel.
A screen-shots bundle.
Unique log-in credentials to a secure cloud location that hosts the model.
The ability to add informative material to your model.